티스토리 뷰

Pointed out through diplomatic channels and were strongly protested by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs received an apology is in, "he said unusually disclose relevant facts and stressed Japan, followed by" The English word tri-US (Try me · Try). If one continues to irritate the opponent absurd assertion alert us to know what action chwihalji St.

Du emphasis would one such as that country "explained the three implementation strategies. In addition, future cars Industrial Vision Declaration Ceremony in providing the time for children to talk about green future cars with imagination and experts explain the possibility of current technology and realization Year. the sense of the future out of the car talk car industry and the future strategy of our government is to draw kids

We will try to discuss Hannah Department and concrete alternatives to reduce the burden. Fourth, we will dramatically improve the educational environment of the general high school. Through school space innovation for the future educational create a student-centered learning environment, teaching and learning will provide a support system that combines state-of-the-art technology. Until 2024 to build a wireless network in every classroom in the school and the expansion of ICT equipment and will create a learning environment based on ICT. Rural, old downtown

There is a successful experience in overcoming the economic structure change in the manufacturing and trade. The world's first to commercialize 5G become the IT industry, the latest semiconductors and equipped with the know-how of high-tech industries mobile phone technology. Korea and ASEAN have resembled the most historically and culturally. Endless possibilities and the development of ASEAN to the young average age of 29 years, Korea can not not be the best reliable partner. Together with Korea sooner,

ASEAN to South Korea can not not be the best partner credible, "he said after" Together with Korea sooner, he further added far as' with growing communities "will be." Yet the center person for the community to "grow together of inclusive

The name of the deceased vehicle that might be exploited in the headlines more than the 180,000 crimes in the country? Since auditors pointed out in 2017 had killed vehicles have rather increased by almost two times? √ Check Point is the fact that more than 180,000 people killed vehicles nubigo the country?

Nanwotgo talking about and the ASEAN heads of state at the waiting area of ​​the summit will yirwojin while volumes Let Abe enters Rioja statement the president while sitting and talking on the spot, "he said. Spokesman" ordinary summit is a long period of aging agenda this would amount to a normal appointment to meet, "released side" here today, but for an appointment to talk to a break in a short time, even in the case of (pull aside · informal talks) is

The president is scheduled to return home 1-3 days official visit to Thailand, it was digested state visit to Myanmar from 3 to 5 days schedule, after 5 days 1 night 2 days state visit to Laos finished 6th. Juhyeongcheol presidential economic adviser, "was the president's commitment to complete statement of the term within the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries, 10 tour early" 5 pm (local time) provided a briefing in the press center in the capital of Laos, Vientiane, and said

Up to 26 days under the slogan of "walk for peace and prosperity for everyone 'goes two days. After 27 days, the first one-Mekong summit will be held. Door president before Tuesday morning to attend the 'CEO Summit' held in BEXCO, with the first event.

He has one day between the issue is a belief that it can get enough to resolve through diplomatic dialogue. Also hasyeotgo a lot of effort to continue its own president from that aspect, I also recently interviewed prices directly with Prime Minister Abe on the ASEAN Summit instruments held in Bangkok, Thailand in early November, as I said in both, and
